Merchant Cash Advance

Improve Your Business With a Merchant Cash Advance

One of the most efficient loans that help many business owners every day is the merchant cash advance. It is more accessible and safer than many business owners realize. Learn more about how Avastar Capital Commercial Funding can help you receive the working capital you need.

The Difference of Cash Advance

When you are approved for a cash advance, the first thing that will happen is that you will receive your new funds. But instead of making pre-set monthly payments, you pay a small percentage of your credit card sales. This means that the amount you owe changes with the money you earn. Other benefits include:

  • Simple Qualifications
  • No Upfront Fees
  • No Closing Costs

Get Pre-Qualified Today!

We look forward to offering our clients access to the capital they require to grow and thrive. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation analysis of your financing needs.

How We Can Help

Our merchant cash advance loans provide funding to be used in most aspects of your business. Normally, they do not require a credit check and are easily obtainable for small and large businesses.

At Avastar Capital Commercial Funding, we strive to make it possible for you to improve your enterprise, expand, or get back on your feet.